It is meaningful to work in Felleskjøpet and we who work here are proud of what we contribute. We see the value and importance of Norwegian food production. By taking care of the farmer and offering what the farmer needs to succeed with his production, we contribute greatly to ensuring good Norwegian food production. And that makes us proud. Very proud! This is noticeable when you go to work in Felleskjøpet. We are a large group with different personalities, strengths and expertise, but have in common that we go to work with beating green hearts every single day.
In order for the green hearts to beat over time, it is important that we make it possible for individuals to cultivate their opportunities with us. Felleskjøpet is large and diverse, and it is possible to move all roads in the company. With us, you will have the opportunity to grow and develop in the direction that feels most motivating and meaningful to you. Whether it is subjects or management that motivates the most, we have many possibilities. And, we're equally committed to both!
Would you like to get to know some of the green beating hearts?